The actual answer is no, but most people would not want to go without one.
A lot of people feel the need to fill a void by having someone around and someone to come home to.
It's a wound that can only be healed from within yourself, really getting to the nitty gritty of being essentially, alone.
People feel a pressure to feel like they have to be in a relationship, to be put together or to tick a box and think well that's one thing that I have to make the picture complete.
You can be made to feel strange or abnormal by society because you don't have a partner where people wonder what's wrong with them or why don't they have someone, they must be the problem right?
Whereas some people consciously make a decision to not be in a relationship till someone steps into their life, making it better and adding something, as they should.
Why settle and fall for the first person who gives you the slightest bit of attention because you have been a little lonely for a while.
It could be a blessing in disguise.Â
It is hard to figure out who that person is going to be.
Putting yourself out there is good too, meeting different people.Â
You have to do whatever is comfortable and what you want to do.
It's all under your control.
People see their friends, family and strangers in the street and see real love, unconditional love and think to themselves that's what I want.
And it will come one day, trust the timing.
The fact you can see it around you and admire it shows you are in a place where you know what you want and that is healthy love, not to be strung from one pillar to another, pleasing someone.
I think taking on the pressure of finding someone to be in a relationship with is an added stress.
Don't take on other people's expectations when it's not a priority for yourself and you'll find that actually when you don't look for it will come when you least expect.
Trust me I absolutely hate that saying, but it's the people you least expect that you fall in love with.
A real story of my friend while drinking cocktails (slightly drunk) was complaining as to why she hasn't fallen in love and saying that no one wants her.
Then recently came back from summer saying she's met a guy who is the sweetest soul and has now feelings for.
A lesson learnt to not open up insecurities (which are normal because we all have them) and instantly criticise ourselves when we aren't the problem.
She is such a beautiful soul inside and out and it had nothing to do with her and it never has; she just hadn't found the right person at that time.
Everyone's view on relationships is so different and I know for a fact when I speak to my friends we have different attitudes towards them, and want different things too, there's no right or wrong but we all agree that we all should deserve pure love.
For myself I have had that amazing love before, and it's what I look for again but slightly different because it had its faults and that's good to learn because you know what you want from the next person to avoid those problems again.
You have a superpower to control who and what you want to let into your life whether you realise it or not.
Not rushing into relationships has allowed me to fully learn about myself and who I am, which I never knew in my last relationship, and feel growth not only from within but from people around me.
You can thrive without having someone at your side and you can with someone, just remember that you are complete just by being and having you.
by Daisey Rockett
April 2024