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a young Muslim woman

What does wearing the Hijab mean for Muslim women?

Updated: Nov 2, 2024

Hijab means “wearing a headscarf” and we wear it for the purpose of covering up our beauty from non mahrams who are those men who are not in our immediate family, for example cousins.

Some may think that wearing the hijab signifies that the wearers are obliged to do so in some oppressive manner. Yet little do they see the beauty in it and the protection it holds for us. It is a part of a Muslim girl's identity because it helps to express their faith. There are many positive things for us about wearing the hijab, such as pleasing Allah and in return he honours you. It is also a means of identifying who you are.

Where does the idea of the hijab come from? Well one verse in the Qur’an it says:

"And tell the believing women to cast down their glances and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment expect that which appears thereof and wrap (a portion of) their head covers over their chest and not expose their adornment expect to their husbands, their father, their husband's father, their sons, their husband's son, their brothers, their brother's sons, their sister's sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspect of women" Qur'an (24:31)

And also, from this extract of the Qur’an:

"O prophet! say to your wives, your daughters and women of the believers that they should let down upon themselves their jilbab" Qur'an (33:59)  (Jilbab is an Arabic word meaning loose outer garment.)

For me, wearing the hijab is like wearing a crown on my head that makes me feel confident and proud of who I am as a Muslim girl. It is a symbol of modesty and purity to help me stay true to my values. My hijab has been with me from childhood, and it has been a big part of my life. Although I do not have any struggle in wearing it, I see others who do. I think that the hijab is like a journey and each individual has their own experiences along the way in wearing it. Within their journey every individual will face different personal struggles, just as we do with life in general. The hijab should be encouraged and fostered with love to signify its importance. A Muslim girl should not feel bad by the rest of society for wearing a part of their identity. 

"For me, wearing the hijab is like wearing a crown on my head that makes me feel confident and proud of who I am as a Muslim girl."

As a Muslim there are various ways we can introduce and inspire other Muslim girls and women  to wear the hijab. First, they might wish to read and study the history and religious meaning of the hijab. Second, we have hijab parties where we try on different hijabs and decorate them to our personal taste – this builds self-confidence for Muslims and eases the idea of wearing this garment in public. Finally, we might go shopping for a hijab with our friends and relatives for them to choose one of the colours they like.

I would like to say to those who are not Muslims, please try to accept and understand that the hijab expresses our identity and should be no threat to other women who wish to wear their own styles of clothing.  And to those who are Muslims do not judge but instead encourage your fellow Muslim sisters in their choice of attire.

by a young Muslim woman

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